EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 February
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 15 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-02][PLANET CD V].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
348 lines
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "sysdep.h"
#define UP "System brought up"
#define DOWN "System brought down"
#define NET "System in network mode"
#define NOLOGIN "<No Login>"
#define BAUD300 "300)"
#define BAUD1200 "1200)"
#define BAUD2400 "2400)"
#define BAUD4800 "4800)"
#define BAUD9600 "9600)"
#define BAUD14400 "14400)"
#define BAUD19200 "19200)"
#define CONSOLE "sysConsole)"
#define DEFAULT_READ "calllog.sys"
#define DEFAULT_WRITE "dumbstats"
int main (int , char **);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
long calls, net, timeout, error, badword, chat;
long nologin, restart, calltime[96], nettime[96], tottime[96];
long duration[1440], baud[8], i, j, k, l, longest, lasthour, atime;
long lastmin, h1, h2, m1, m2, newuser = 0, stay = 0, busytime[96];
char firstdate[10], firsttime[10], buffer[80], *name, *date, *starthour,
*startmin, *stophour, *stopmin, *other, *readname, *writename;
char lasttime[10],lastdate[10];
FILE *readfile, *writefile;
calls = net = timeout = error = badword = chat = nologin = 0;
restart = longest = atime = newuser = stay = 0;
printf ("Citadel log file cruncher %s\n", VERSION_NAME);
printf (" by Lobotosoft\n");
for (i = 0; i < 96; ++i)
calltime[i] = 0;
nettime[i] = 0;
tottime[i] = 0;
busytime[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i) baud[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 1440; ++i) duration[i] = 0;
writename = DEFAULT_WRITE;
readname = DEFAULT_READ;
if (argc > 2) readname = argv[2];
if (argc > 1) writename = argv[1];
readfile = fopen (readname, "r");
if (readfile == NULL)
printf ("Unable to open log file [%s] for input!\n", readname);
printf ("Usage: logcrunch [output file] [input file]\n");
exit (0);
writefile = fopen (writename, "w");
if (writefile == NULL)
printf ("Unable to open stats file [%s] for output!\n", writename);
printf ("Usage: logcrunch [output file] [input file]\n");
fclose (readfile);
exit (0);
name = buffer;
date = &buffer[24];
starthour = &buffer[32];
startmin = &buffer[35];
stophour = &buffer[40];
stopmin = &buffer[43];
other = &buffer[47];
fgets (buffer, 80, readfile);
while (!feof (readfile))
if (strncmp (buffer, UP, strlen (UP)) == 0) ++restart;
if (strlen (buffer) > 23 && buffer[22] == ':')
buffer[22] = 0;
buffer[31] = 0;
buffer[37] = 0;
buffer[42] = 0;
buffer[45] = 0;
strcpy (lasttime, starthour);
strcpy (lastdate, date);
if (calls == 0 && net == 0)
strcpy (firsttime, starthour);
strcpy (firstdate, date);
buffer[34] = 0;
lasthour = atoi (starthour);
lastmin = atoi (startmin);
buffer[34] = 0;
h1 = atoi (starthour);
h2 = atoi (stophour);
m1 = atoi (startmin);
m2 = atoi (stopmin);
i = h1 * 4 + m1 / 15;
j = h2 * 4 + m2 / 15;
k = lasthour * 4 + lastmin / 15;
tottime[k] += (k + 1) * 15 - lasthour * 60 - lastmin;
if (j < k)
for (l = k + 1; l < 96; ++l) tottime[l] += 15;
for (l = 0; l < j + 1; ++l) tottime[l] += 15;
tottime[j] -= (j + 1) * 15 - h2 * 60 - m2;
for (l = k + 1; l < j + 1; ++l) tottime[l] += 15;
tottime[j] -= (j + 1) * 15 - h2 * 60 - m2;
lasthour = h2;
lastmin = m2;
if (strncmp (name, NET, strlen (NET)) == 0)
busytime[i] += (i + 1) * 15 - h1 * 60 - m1;
if (j < i)
for (l = i + 1; l < 96; ++l) busytime[l] += 15;
for (l = 0; l < j + 1; ++l) busytime[l] += 15;
busytime[j] -= (j + 1) * 15 - h2 * 60 - m2;
for (l = i + 1; l < j + 1; ++l) busytime[l] += 15;
busytime[j] -= (j + 1) * 15 - h2 * 60 - m2;
busytime[i] += (i + 1) * 15 - h1 * 60 - m1;
if (j < i)
for (l = i + 1; l < 96; ++l) busytime[l] += 15;
for (l = 0; l < j + 1; ++l) busytime[l] += 15;
busytime[j] -= (j + 1) * 15 - h2 * 60 - m2;
for (l = i + 1; l < j + 1; ++l) busytime[l] += 15;
busytime[j] -= (j + 1) * 15 - h2 * 60 - m2;
l = (h2 - h1) * 60 + m2 - m1;
if (l < 0)
l += 1440;
if (l > longest) longest = l;
atime += l;
if (strncmp (NOLOGIN, name, strlen (NOLOGIN)) == 0) ++nologin;
if (strncmp (CONSOLE, other, strlen (CONSOLE)) == 0)++baud[0];
if (strncmp (BAUD300, other, strlen (BAUD300)) == 0)++baud[1];
if (strncmp (BAUD1200, other, strlen (BAUD1200)) == 0)++baud[2];
if (strncmp (BAUD2400, other, strlen (BAUD2400)) == 0)++baud[3];
if (strncmp (BAUD4800, other, strlen (BAUD4800)) == 0)++baud[4];
if (strncmp (BAUD9600, other, strlen (BAUD9600)) == 0)++baud[5];
if (strncmp (BAUD14400, other, strlen (BAUD14400))== 0)++baud[6];
if (strncmp (BAUD19200, other, strlen (BAUD19200))== 0)++baud[7];
for (l = 0; other[l] != ')' && other[l] != 0; ++l);
for (;other[l] != 0; ++l)
if (other[l] == '+')
else if (other[l] == '-')
else if (other[l] == 't' || other[l] == 'T')
else if (other[l] == 'e' || other[l] == 'E')
else if (other[l] == 'b' || other[l] == 'B')
else if (other[l] == 'c' || other[l] == 'C')
fgets (buffer, 80, readfile);
printf ("%ld calls, %ld net sessions\r", calls, net);
printf ("\nCrunching data....\n");
fprintf (writefile, " System Usage Data\n \n");
fprintf (writefile, " Based on usage from %s, %s to %s, %s\n\n"
, firstdate,firsttime,lastdate,lasttime);
fprintf (writefile, " SYSTEM CALL DATA: \n\n");
fprintf (writefile, " There were %ld restarts during this period.\n", restart);
fprintf (writefile, " There were %ld calls, and %ld network sessions\n", calls, net);
fprintf (writefile, " Number Percent\n");
fprintf (writefile, " -------------------------------------\n");
fprintf (writefile, " New Users %5ld %3ld\n", newuser, 100 * newuser / calls);
fprintf (writefile, " No Login Calls %5ld %3ld\n", nologin, 100 * nologin / calls);
fprintf (writefile, " .Terminate Stay %5ld %3ld\n", stay, 100 * stay / calls);
fprintf (writefile, " Chat Attempts %5ld %3ld\n", chat, 100 * chat / calls);
fprintf (writefile, " Timeouts %5ld %3ld\n", timeout, 100 * timeout / calls);
fprintf (writefile, " Exceeded Error Limit %5ld %3ld\n", error, 100 * error / calls);
fprintf (writefile, " Badwords usage %5ld %3ld\n", badword, 100 * badword / calls);
fprintf (writefile, " \n Caller Baud Rates:\n");
if (baud[1] > 0) fprintf (writefile, " 300 Baud %5ld %3ld\n", baud[1], 100 * baud[1] / calls);
if (baud[2] > 0) fprintf (writefile, " 1200 Baud %5ld %3ld\n", baud[2], 100 * baud[2] / calls);
if (baud[3] > 0) fprintf (writefile, " 2400 Baud %5ld %3ld\n", baud[3], 100 * baud[3] / calls);
if (baud[4] > 0) fprintf (writefile, " 4800 Baud %5ld %3ld\n", baud[4], 100 * baud[4] / calls);
if (baud[5] > 0) fprintf (writefile, " 9600 Baud %5ld %3ld\n", baud[5], 100 * baud[5] / calls);
if (baud[6] > 0) fprintf (writefile, " 14400 Baud %5ld %3ld\n", baud[6], 100 * baud[6] / calls);
if (baud[7] > 0) fprintf (writefile, " 19200 Baud %5ld %3ld\n", baud[6], 100 * baud[6] / calls);
if (baud[0] > 0) fprintf (writefile, " sysConsole %5ld %3ld\n", baud[0], 100 * baud[0] / calls);
fprintf (writefile, " \n \n CALL DURATION DATA\n \n");
fprintf (writefile, " The longest call was %ld minutes,", longest);
fprintf (writefile, " The average call was %ld minutes.\n \n", atime / calls);
for (k = 0, i = 0; k < calls - calls / 25; ++i) k += duration[i];
h1 = calls - k;
longest = i;
i = i / 50 + 1;
for (k = 0, m2 = h1; k < longest; ++k)
for (l = k * i, m1 = 0; l < (k + 1) * i; ++l) m1 += duration[l];
duration[k] = m1;
if (m1 > m2) m2 = m1;
j = m2 / 60 + 1;
fprintf (writefile, " Call duration histogram:\n");
fprintf (writefile, " Each bar represents the number of calls of that\n");
fprintf (writefile, " duration or up to %ld minutes longer.", i);
fprintf (writefile, " Each '=' represents %ld calls.\n \n", j);
for (k = 0; longest >= k * i; ++k)
fprintf (writefile, " %4ld", k * i);
for (l = 0; l < duration[k] / j; ++l) fprintf (writefile, "=");
fprintf (writefile, " (%ld)\n", duration[k]);
fprintf (writefile, " >%4ld", --k * i);
for (l = 0; l < h1 / j; ++l)
fprintf (writefile, "=");
fprintf (writefile, " (%ld)\n", h1);
fprintf (writefile, " \n \n CALL TIMING DATA\n \n");
i = 4;
m1 = 0;
m2 = 0;
for (k = 0; k < 24; ++k)
h1 = 0;
h2 = 0;
for (l = k * i; l < (k + 1) * i; ++l)
h1 += calltime[l];
h2 += nettime[l];
calltime[k] = h1;
nettime[k] = h2;
if (h1 > m1) m1 = h1;
if (h2 > m2) m2 = h2;
h1 = m1 / 60 + 1;
h2 = m2 / 60 + 1;
fprintf (writefile, " Call timing histogram:\n");
fprintf (writefile, " Each bar represents the number of calls\n");
fprintf (writefile, " during that hour.");
fprintf (writefile, " Each '=' represents %ld calls.\n", h1);
for (k = 0; k < 24; ++k)
fprintf (writefile, " %2ld:00", k);
for (l = 0; l < calltime[k] / h1; ++l) fprintf (writefile, "=");
fprintf (writefile, " (%ld)\n", calltime[k]);
fprintf (writefile, "\n Net-Session timing histogram:\n");
fprintf (writefile, " Each bar represents the number of net-sessions\n");
fprintf (writefile, " during that hour.");
fprintf (writefile, " Each '=' represents %ld net-sessions.\n", h2);
for (k = 0; k < 24; ++k)
fprintf (writefile, " %2ld:00", k);
for (l = 0; l < nettime[k] / h2; ++l) fprintf (writefile, "=");
fprintf (writefile, " (%ld)\n", nettime[k]);
fprintf (writefile, "\n BEST TIME TO CALL DATA \n");
for (i = 0, m1 = 0, j = 0; i < 96; ++i)
if (tottime[i] == 0)
fprintf (writefile, " Best time to call data is unavailable,");
fprintf (writefile, " since there is less than 24 hours of data.\n");
fclose (writefile);
fclose (readfile);
exit (0);
if ((tottime[i] - busytime[i]) * 100 / tottime[i] > m1)
m1 = (tottime[i] - busytime[i]) * 100 / tottime[i];
j = i;
fprintf (writefile, " The best time to call is around %ld:%02ld,\n", j / 4, (j % 4) * 15);
fprintf (writefile, " when there is a %ld percent chance of connecting.\n", m1);
i = 4;
for (m1 = 0, j = 0; j < 24; ++j)
for (k = j * i, h1 = 0, h2 = 0; k < (j + 1) * i; ++k)
h1 += tottime[k];
h2 += busytime[k];
busytime[j] = (h1 - h2) * 100 / h1;
if (busytime[j] > m1) m1 = busytime[j];
j = m1 / 60 + 1;
fprintf (writefile, " \n Best Time to Call Graph:\n");
fprintf (writefile, " Each bar represents the chance of connecting\n");
fprintf (writefile, " during that hour.\n \n");
for (k = 0; k < 24; ++k)
fprintf (writefile, " %2ld:00", k);
for (l = 0; l < busytime[k] / j; ++l) fprintf (writefile, "=");
fprintf (writefile, " %ld\n", busytime[k]);
fclose (readfile);
fclose (writefile);
return 0;